Without much publicity, Marutha, directed by Kala Samrat S. Narayan and starring Dhuniya Vijay and Shreyas Manju in lead roles, has completed its shooting. The film is a collaboration between veteran producers K. Manju and Ramesh Yadav.
Produced under Eesha Productions, this lavish project was filmed across locations such as Bangalore, Mysore, Chikkamagaluru, Dharwad, Kudala Sangama, Savadatti, Belgaum, and Goa. The final shooting session was recently completed near Bangalore with the traditional pumpkin-breaking ceremony.
Marutha marks the third collaboration between S. Narayan and Dhuniya Vijay, following the successful films Chanda and Daksha.
Producer K. Manju previously worked with Dhuniya Vijay on Rajinikanth and Shankar IPS, while this is Ramesh Yadav’s first project with the actor.
Described as a content-driven film, Marutha explores a ghostly force that has unknowingly possessed society and its negative impact.
Brinda plays the female lead, while Sadhukokila is seen in a unique role unlike any of his previous performances. The film boasts a stellar cast, including Nishvika Naidu, Rangayana Raghu, Tara Anuradha, Sharath Lohitashwa, Pramod Shetty, Manju Pavagad, Chitra Shenoy, and Crazy Star Ravichandran in a special role.
Written and directed by S. Narayan, the film features cinematography by P.K.H. Das, editing by Shivaprasad Yadav, stunt direction by Vinod and Arjun, and choreography by Mohan Kumar and Santhu.