Produced by Komal Nataraj, directed by Gurumurthy Tsunami, and starring Malashree in the lead role, the movie “Marakastra” was released last year and won the hearts of Kannadigas. The film is now being made in Telugu as well, titled “Maranayudham.” It has already been released in Andhra and Telangana, winning the hearts of the people there. The film will be released simultaneously again in Telugu and Kannada in Karnataka on April 26.

“We released our movie ‘Marakastra’ last year. At that time, the India-Pakistan match and festivities did not allow many people to see our movie. However, Venkatesh Rao, a Telugu distributor who watched the film, suggested producing it in Telugu. ‘Marakastra,’ now titled ‘Maranayudham,’ will release in Karnataka on April 26. On Saturday (27th), we are arranging a free show for many working-class individuals, including civic workers,” said producer Nataraj.

When the film “Marakastra” was released, it received feedback about its duration being a little longer. Now, we have reduced it by 26 minutes. Director Gurumurthy Tsunami mentioned that Malashree, Anand Arya, Harshika Poonachch, etc., have acted in our film.

“I did not initially agree to act in ‘Marakastra.’ However, I liked the way the director told the story. Especially considering the director’s leg problem, I was impressed by his dedication to cinema even in such a situation. Telugu audiences have embraced my role. The film will also be released in Karnataka this Friday. I urge everyone to watch it,” said actress Malashree.

Film distributor Yadav, executive producer Venkatesh Rao, hero Anand Arya, Ravichetan, Sashidhar, Manjunath, Manjula Reddy, etc., were present at the media briefing.


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