A passionate producer, Chandrasekhar, has taken significant strides to launch his son, Abhay Chandra, into the realm of acting. Abhay Chandra, an attractive and hardworking talent, has dedicated himself to his second film, ‘Mandya Haida.’ The first collaboration between father and son, ‘Manasagide,’ was characterized by its politeness and gentleness. In contrast, ‘Mandya Haida’ exudes strength and stunning content.

The unveiling ceremony of the film’s teaser and title song took place at MMB Legacy, with Smt. Lepakshi Chandrasekhar doing the honors on Monday evening. Producer Chandrasekhar shared that the film is set against a village backdrop, with the central theme revolving around ‘Love.’ The storyline explores the protagonist’s struggles in attaining love, forming the core of the film. The movie boasts five musical scores and five action-packed sequences, catering to commercial expectations. Notably, 15 comedy artists from various reality shows will be introduced, alongside the promising newcomer, Vishnu, in the role of the antagonist.

The producer emphasized the growth of his son, Abhay Chandra, describing him as more mature and robust in his second film. Chandrasekhar himself plays a significant role in the movie, while his second son, Thejas, makes an appearance in the title song.

Director Srikanth expressed profound gratitude to producer Chandrasekhar for his unwavering passion and involvement. This film marks Srikanth’s sixth project, with the previous ones remaining unfinished. Director of Cinematography, Manu Gowda, praised the enthusiasm of both the producer and director, revealing that 90 percent of the film’s shooting took place in Mandya district. Music director Surendranath provided insights into the film’s musical composition, expressing confidence that it will be well-received.

Natural star Abhay Chandra credited his father, Chandrasekhar, for the film’s success, emphasizing the collaborative effort of the entire team. Abhay Chandra, portraying the character Shiva, stated that the film narrates a life journey with messages for parents, lovers, and friends.

Bhumika Bumesh, making her cinematic debut after transitioning from the small screen, plays the character Priya and expressed her admiration for the entire script.

The contributions of Vishnu, Thejas, Darshan Soorya, Kishor (dance director), Venkatesh Kulkarni, and others were also acknowledged during the event.


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