The yesteryears’ superhit and all-time best box office collector, Mungaru Male, director Yogaraj Bhat, and producer E. Krishnappa, along with Gangadhar, are back in action with Manada Kadalu. This is another unique love story coming up from the Yogaraj Bhat and E. Krishnappa collaboration.

Eighteen years ago, Mungaru Male, produced by Krishnappa under the E.K. Entertainers logo and directed by Yogaraj Bhat, became a superhit. After all these years, this duo is back together. Produced by E. Krishnappa, the new film is titled Manada Kadalu, directed by Yogaraj Bhat. The film stars Sumukh as the hero, with Rashika Shetty and Anjali Anish as the heroines, and Rangayana Raghu in a key role. G. Gangadhar is the co-producer. The shooting is taking place in the palace premises of Bangalore, and the film team recently invited media friends to watch the shoot and held a media meet. The film’s title was unveiled on the same occasion, followed by a detailed address from the crew members.

Director Yogaraj Bhat shared that there was an idea to direct another film under Krishnappa’s production, but both of them had been busy—Krishnappa with politics and Bhat with other films. “We have shot in Karnataka and Maharashtra for this film. In particular, we filmed in 12 districts of Karnataka. We also shot in a fort in the middle of the sea, called Murud Janjira in Maharashtra. It required 15 types of permission. It was a war-like experience. Shooting in the sun and rain is not easy, but the results have been excellent. In this film, Rangayana Raghu plays a tribal character. We even created a new language for them, and Rangayana Raghu performed his role wonderfully. We’ve already completed 95 percent of the shooting,” said Bhat.

Producer E. Krishnappa explained, “This is a sincere effort. There is a lot of new talent in Kannada cinema that is not being properly recognized. We hope this film reaches the level of Mungaru Male. I was unable to focus on making films earlier due to my involvement in politics, and Yogaraj Bhat was busy as well. Now, with everything coming together, we are able to make it happen.”

Co-producer Gangadhar added, “I have worked as a producer in all the films produced by E. Krishnappa, including Mungaru Male. It’s a pleasure to work with Yogaraj Bhat after eighteen years.”

Actor Rangayana Raghu shared his thoughts on the film and his character: “An actor is expected to come from the gym, but many of them forget that acting is what the movie truly needs. Sumukh doesn’t have any of that. He has studied, understands the film, and has acted really well. Bhatru and Krishnappa have worked with newcomers, and I must say, the title of the film is very fitting. Krishnappa has always been clear that we don’t want to make a Pan-India movie; we are making a Kannada movie. If everyone is going to work in the larger market, then who will take care of the industry here?”

Rangayana Raghu’s role in the film as a 100-year-old man was also highlighted by the actor himself. “Yogaraj Bhatt has created my character with great effort. I play the role of a 100-year-old man, but with the spirit of a 70-year-old. As I grow older, I will not bow my head. I will continue to act with the same energy and spirit,” stated Duttanna, referring to his character’s resilience.

Sumukh, the protagonist, added, “I have appeared in the film as a modern youth, someone who is confused about what they should do in life. This film addresses that confusion. It’s a big responsibility, and I have learned a lot from Yogaraj Bhatt. Every day, he brings in a new idea and perspective.”

The heroines, Rashika Shetty and Anjali Anish, along with music director V. Harikrishna, cinematographer Santosh Rai Pataje, lyricist Jayant Kaikini, and Pratap Rao, also shared their experiences during the media briefing.


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