Produced by Kumar B under the Bengaluru Kumar Films banner, the much-awaited film Mafia, featuring the dynamic prince Prajwal Devaraj in the lead role alongside Aditi Prabhu Deva, and directed by Lohit H, has received a U/A certificate from the Regional Censor Board without any cuts or mutes. Producer Kumar announced that the release date of Mafia, which has generated significant buzz since its inception, will be revealed soon. Prajwal’s fans are eagerly awaiting the film’s release, which has piqued considerable interest.

The film, set in the action genre, has been shot in Bangalore, Mysore, and Hyderabad.

Lavishly produced, Mafia features five mind-blowing action sequences, for which Prajwal Devaraj has put in immense effort.

Anup Seelin and Gagan Bhaderia have composed the music for the film, which includes four songs. With cinematography by S. Pandikumar, the film stars Prajwal Devaraj, Aditi Prabhudeva, Devaraj, Sadhukokila, Shine Shetty, Vijay Chendur, Vasuki Vaibhav, and others.


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