KRG Studios, a renowned distribution house, has achieved an impressive milestone in just six years. Under the leadership of Karthik Gowda and Yogi G Raj, KRG Studios proudly presents its 100th distribution, ‘Banadariyalli,’ featuring Golden Star Ganesh, Rukmini Vasanth, Reeshma Nanaiah, and Rangayana Raghu, directed by Preetham Gubbi.

The significant announcement of this achievement was made by Yogi G Raj during the teaser launch of ‘Banadariyalli’ at the bustling Mantri Mall open space in Malleshwaram.

KRG Studios, established in 2017, has not only excelled in distribution but has also emerged as a notable production house, starting with the release of ‘Rathnan Prapancha’ in 2021, To now KK starring and direction by Kichcha Sudeepa in the lead role.

Mark your calendars for September 28th, as ‘Banadariyalli’ marks the 100th distribution for this esteemed production and distribution house, adding another feather to its cap.

In 2017, Karthik Gowda and Yogi G Raj ventured into film production with ‘Rathnan Prapancha,’ and their portfolio includes other notable projects like ‘Orchestra Mysuru,’ ‘Gurudev Hoysala,’ and upcoming projects such as ‘Uttarakaanda,’ ‘Kiriket,’ and ‘Powder.’

Yogi G Raj, in addition to his role in the distribution and production sectors, is a talented director, having helmed films like ‘Kushi Kushiyagi’ (2015) and ‘Bangara Son of Bangarada Manushya’ (2017). He is also recognized for his contributions as a costume designer in the film industry.

KRG Studios and Hombale Films share a close association, forming a formidable and thriving business empire in the film industry today.


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