The surprise at the ‘Kreem’ trailer launch event is the inclusion of Agni Sridhar, known for his rebellious persona, in the leading role. Starring Samyukta Hegde of “Kirik Party” fame, the trailer for “Kreem” has recently hit the screens, with the film slated for release on March 1. Notably, the trailer was unveiled by the renowned writer Agni Sridhar himself.

Produced by DK Devendra and directed by Abhishek Basant, “Kreem” boasts a script, screenplay, and dialogues authored by Agni Sridhar, who also takes on the lead role. Initially hesitant about acting, Agni Sridhar was persuaded by producer Devendra and close associates to take on the role, which he initially declined but eventually accepted, requesting confidentiality until the film’s release. However, the producers chose to reveal his involvement in the trailer itself.

Centered around the poignant issue of the exploitation of women for wealth and power, “Kreem” sheds light on an ongoing societal problem. Praising the performances of the cast and crew, Agni Sridhar emphasizes the film’s timely message and the dedication of everyone involved.

Adhering strictly to the schedule, the production wrapped up smoothly, with Agni Sridhar expressing a desire for a distinctive storyline for his directorial debut. Samyukta Hegde, returning to Kannada cinema after a five-year hiatus, commends the challenging role and her venture into action.

Despite facing challenges, such as the sudden absence of a key villain, the team rallied together, ultimately convincing Agni Sridhar to step into the role. With high hopes for its success, producer Devendra confirms the release of “Kreem” on March 1.


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