In the Kannada film ‘Usire Usire,’ renowned Indian actor Kichcha Sudeepa lent his voice to dub his portions during an impressive 18-minute appearance. The production team expresses their immense satisfaction in having Sudeepa on board for this project.

Interestingly, ‘Usire Usire’ holds a special place in Kichcha Sudeepa’s heart, as it was originally featured in his early days’ film ‘Huchcha’ and remains widely popular among his fans. Notably, Sudeepa’s close friend Rajeev, well-known in CCL Cricket circles, chose the starting line of this song as the title for his own film, which is currently in the final stages of production.

‘Usire Usire’ is a heartwarming love story and marks the debut production of Pradeep Yadav, who credits Kichcha Sudeepa as his inspiration for bringing this film to life.

“This marks my inaugural venture in film production, and having superstar Kichcha Sudeepa appear for 18 minutes in the climactic scenes is a significant milestone,” producer Pradeep Yadav emphasized.

The film is helmed by director CM Vijay, with Rajeev, a notable figure from Big Boss, leading the cast. The ensemble includes Srijith, Tara, Suchindra Prasad, Rajesh Nataranga, Ali, Brahmanandam, Sadhu Kokila, Devaraj, Manju Pavagada, Jaggappa, Shivu, Sushmitha, and many others.

Manu BK serves as the cinematographer, KM Prakash handles the editing, Tiger Shivu choreographs the stunts, Mohan and Height Manju contribute their expertise in dance direction, while Vivek Chakravarthy composes the music for the film ‘Usire Usire.’


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