Directed by Jogi Prem, KD is a pan-India film featuring Action Prince Dhruva Sarja as a 1980s youth named Kalidasa. The movie, which has already completed its talkie portions, is left with just two songs to be filmed. Recently, the dubbing work began at Akash Recording Studio.
To share updates about the release of the film’s first song, the team held a press conference attended by director Prem, lead actor Dhruva Sarja, and the film’s executive producer, Supreeth.
Starting the discussion, Prem said, “Dubbing began last week, and only two songs remain to be shot. One of them is being filmed on a specially constructed set, while the other will be shot abroad. On December 24, our film’s first song, Shiva Shiva, will be released through Anand Audio. Choreographed by Anand Master, the song features vocals by Kailash Kher and me, with singers from respective languages performing for the Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam versions. With six tracks in total, KD is shaping up to be one of India’s biggest albums. There’s also a folk-style song in the film. We plan to release the first song here and another in Mumbai later.
The film took 150 days to shoot, with just two songs left to complete. While the story involves bloodshed, it has only as much violence as the narrative demands. After watching the film, viewers will feel a connection, as if they had a brother, son, or friend like the protagonist. Dhruva’s dedication is remarkable—he shed 18 kilos in just 21 days for his role. Moreover, we are using AI technology to replicate Dhruva’s voice in all languages,” he added.
Lead actor Dhruva Sarja said, “Our film’s first song will be released on December 24. No matter how risky the role, I am ready to face any challenge to entertain my fans.”
Producer Supreeth shared, “On December 24, Shiva Shiva will be released, and viewers will realize the immense effort everyone put into the song after watching it. We haven’t committed to any business deals yet, as our focus is solely on the film. However, the audio rights have fetched a significant amount, and I can even share the agreement details with you. We shot most of the film on a massive set spread across 20 acres. We’ll soon announce the release date.”
Sanjay Dutt shines as Dhak Deva in the pan-India film, while Shilpa Shetty plays a pivotal role. Set in the 1970–75 era, KD is based on a true gangster story. The film was shot on an extravagant set built over 20 acres at a massive cost.
The film features six colorful songs choreographed by six different choreographers. Music composer Arjun Janya has worked with 200 of the best musicians to create a memorable score. The cinematography is handled by William David of Vikrant Rona fame. Kodagu beauty Reshma Naniah stars as the female lead, alongside Bollywood stars Sanjay Dutt, Shilpa Shetty, and Nora Fatehi. Other notable actors include Crazy Star Ravichandran and Ramesh Aravind, among others.
KD will be released in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam, hitting the screens during the Ugadi festival next year.