Karthik Mahesh, a renowned television and emerging film actor hailing from Mysuru, clinched the coveted Big Boss 10 trophy in a spectacular grand finale aired on Colors Kannada. Hosted by Kichcha Sudeepa, the show stands as one of India’s premier reality programs.

Karthik Mahesh’s impressive performance in the reality show earned him a substantial reward, including a prize money of Rs. 50 lakhs, a Maruti Suzuki car, and a Bounce Infinity Electric Scooter. The victory was announced on a late Sunday night, marking a significant moment in the popular television channel’s history.

Securing the first runner-up position, Drone Pratap received a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakhs and a Bounce Infinity Electric Scooter. Meanwhile, Sangeetha Sringeri, known for her role in the Kannada film 777 Charlie, emerged as the second runner-up, receiving a cash prize of Rs. 7 lakhs.

The journey to victory began on August 8 when Big Boss 10 commenced with 17 initial participants. The finalists vied for the title based on the audience’s verdict.

Karthik Mahesh, originally a B.Sc. graduate from Mysuru, ventured into Bengaluru with aspirations of becoming an actor. Starting with a career in modeling, he later made appearances in various TV serials such as Akka, Inti Nimma Asha, Devayani, Mahakali, Raaji, and Zee Kannada’s Puttakkana Makkalu, where he portrayed the character of Chandru. Notably, he played the role of Ravi in Antarpata and garnered recognition for his role in the nationally acclaimed Kannada film ‘Dollu,’ directed by Sagar Puranik.


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