The stiff battle for the post of President of Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce for 2023-2024 goes to producer and distributor NM Suresh. He takes over from Ba Ma Harish, the sitting president, today in the afternoon at a simple function at Apex Body KFCC.

Known more as a producer and then as a distributor NM Suresh of Tulaja Bhavani Creations won the KFCC President post by a margin of 120 votes. He defeats his nearest rival, Shilpa Srinivas. Producer cum distributor Shilpa Srinivas secured 217 votes, while the other contests A Ganesh secured 204 votes, and VH Suresh (Mars Suresh) bagged 180 votes out of 967 votes polled. Out of 1599 members of KFCC, the 65-year-old Apex Body nearly 600 plus did not bother to vote.

Smt Pramila Josha is vice president of the Producer sector, from the distributor sector vice president is G Venkatesh, and Narasimhulu is Vice President of the Exhibitor sector.

Among other winners Ba Ma Girish (brother of Ba Ma Harish) wins the Honarary Secretary post from the producer sector, the Honarary Secretary from the distributor sector is Kari Subbu (Subramani), Honarary Secretary from the exhibitor sector is A Sunder Raju. The post of treasurer goes to Jayasimha Musuri.

The New President of KFCC NM Suresh after being elected said veteran Sa Ra Govindu has been helpful in his win and promised to function under the guidance of elders of the Kannada cinema industry.


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