The eminent Tamil film director Pavithran, known for his superhits like Suryan, I Love India, Indu, and Kalluri Vasal, is making his debut in Kannada cinema with Karki, produced by Prakash Palani. The film is already creating a buzz with its impressive trailers and songs composed by the magical music director Arjun Janya.

Most of the work on Karki has been completed, and the movie is set for release. As part of the promotional activities, the audio of the movie was recently launched. Music director and lyricist K. Kalyan, writer and director Kaviraj, actress Satvika, Film Directors Association President Ennar K. Vishwanath, Ba Ma Harish, and other dignitaries attended the event.

Prakash Palani, the producer, is a seasoned distributor and businessman who has distributed more than 20 films. Discussing his debut as a producer, he shared, “I was impressed by the story and decided to produce this film. Originally, a big Kannada director was supposed to helm the project, but I believe Karki has turned out exceptionally well. All the post-production work has been completed, and we plan to release the movie by the end of September.”

Jayaprakash (JP) Reddy, known for his roles in Whatsapp Love and Rajarani, plays the protagonist in Karki. He portrays Muthuraj, a village boy with aspirations of becoming a law graduate. “The film touches on caste and ethnicity while exploring themes of friendship, love, romance, and humanity. The story and characters have been crafted as realistically as possible,” says JP.

The film features six songs, all composed by Arjun Janya with lyrics by Kaviraj. Kaviraj mentioned that working with the experienced Tamil director Pavithran has been insightful. “Pavithran has made a seamless transition into Kannada cinema. He was meticulous with every word of each song. Karki offers a fresh and unique narrative that will provide audiences with a new experience.”

Director Pavithran expressed his confidence in Karki, stating, “This movie will offer Kannadigas a heartwarming experience. We’ve portrayed the real story without exaggeration, and we hope the audience appreciates our efforts.”

According to the film team, Karki is set to release by the end of September. In addition, it will be released in Hindi as Dhadak 2, produced by Karan Johar, with a Bollywood release expected by November.

Meenakshi is cast opposite Jayaprakash in Karki, and the movie boasts an ensemble cast that includes Sadhu Kokila, Bala Rajawadi, Yathiraj, Mimicry Gopi, Swathi, and Savita. Cinematography is by Hrishikesh, editing by Crazyminds, and music by Arjun Janya, supported by a skilled team of technicians.


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