The resonance of “Kantara,” the film that took the Kannada film industry by storm last year, continues to be felt far and wide. The recent Saima Awards ceremony held in Dubai saw the film sweeping up an impressive 10 awards. Vijay Kiragandur’s production, starring Rishab Shetty and directed by the talented Rishab Shetty himself, made its mark with audiences across the nation, earning both critical acclaim and popular acclaim.

In this year’s Saima Awards, Rishab Shetty’s exceptional talent was acknowledged with a triple treat – awards for his outstanding acting, directorial finesse, and a special appreciation award for his groundbreaking storytelling.

Particularly worth noting is the recognition bestowed upon Mukhesh Laxman, the divine dancers whose enchanting displays infused an additional layer of enchantment into “Kantara.” Recognized with prestigious Saima Awards in Dubai, their divine choreography introduced an indelible aspect to the film, playing a pivotal role in its widespread acclaim. Today, their names are indelibly etched in the annals of Saima Awards history.

Such a remarkable achievement rightly calls for a heartfelt congratulatory message to Rishab Shetty, the visionary director behind this cinematic masterpiece.

Furthermore, “Kantara” clinched a remarkable total of 10 awards in various categories, including Best Actress, Best Child Actor, Best Comedian, Best Music Director, Singer, and Writer. With this feat, “Kantara” proudly claims the title of the film with the highest number of awards in the history of Saima Awards.

This recognition underscores the growing influence and prominence of Kannada cinema on the national stage, a source of immense pride for the industry and its enthusiasts alike. As anticipation continues to build, “Kantara 2” is poised to make an even bigger impact, promising to captivate audiences and create new milestones in the world of Indian cinema.


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