This week, on October 6th, six Kannada films are set to be released, and among them, ‘Love’ is one of the highly anticipated movies by Mahesh C Amamallidoddi. This marks his second directorial venture, and it promises to offer a delightful cinematic experience for audiences throughout Karnataka.

Previously, Mahesh A directed ‘O,’ a Kannada horror film. However, this time, he has taken a different approach by exploring the theme of ‘Love’ between a Hindu and a Muslim. The inspiration for this story comes from a real-life couple who are living a harmonious and loving life together, although Mahesh prefers to keep their identities private. He has skillfully adapted their story, incorporating some cinematic enhancements to create the film ‘Love.’ Mahesh has been actively promoting the film across various regions of Karnataka and expresses great confidence in its content, believing that it will be well-received by audiences.

‘Love,’ the Kannada film, will be distributed across Karnataka by the renowned distributor BK Gangadhar, ensuring its presence in multiplexes as well as nearly 30 single-screen theaters.

Vrusha Patil eagerly awaits the film’s release in cinemas, experiencing a blend of excitement and apprehension. Lead actor Prajay Jayaram, who plays a pivotal role in the film, never anticipated the overwhelming support the movie would receive upon its release. In addition to the Hindu-Muslim love story, there is another intriguing aspect that he teases.

The film’s cast includes Prabhakar Kundar Brahmavar, Satish Kanthara, Umesh Srikanth Teli, Radhika Bhat, Tilaka, Prasad Bhat, Harish Shetty, Saurab Shastri, Rajath Shetty, and others.

The producer of this film, titled ‘Love,’ is Diwakar, an electrical contractor from Mysuru, and it is produced under the banner of Sri Kalabhaireshwara Movie Makers. Siddarth H R serves as the cinematographer, with Rosith Vijay and Sri Sai Kiran composing the music. Shivaprasad is responsible for the background score, and Lokesh Putte Gowda is the film’s editor.

To capture the real-life love story for the silver screen, director Mahesh conducted shoots in various locations, including Kota, Udupi, Kundapura, Baindur, Bagalkote, and Bengaluru.


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