After a hiatus of four years, director Paramesh, known for captivating audiences with ‘Kamarottu Check Post’, returns with its sequel. The unveiling of ‘Kamarottu 2’ trailer has left viewers captivated, with its grand launch event at Bangalore’s Lulu Mall.

Director Paramesh’s close friend Ajay Rao, alongside NM Suresh, President of KFCC, unveiled the trailer and extended their best wishes for its success.

Ajay Rao expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I’m here because of my dear friend Paramesh, who assured me of the film’s technical brilliance. ‘Kamarottu 2’ promises to be a gripping thriller with technically stunning scenes. Priyanka’s portrayal is mesmerizing, making me her ardent fan. Overall, it’s a masterpiece bound to resonate with audiences. I have faith in its success.”

NM Suresh of the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce praised the trailer, likening its quality to Hollywood standards, and wished Paramesh great success.

Raghavendra Rajkumar, sharing his sentiments, expressed gratitude for his role in the film and praised Paramesh’s close bond with his family, extending best wishes to the entire crew.

Priyanka Upendra expressed her delight in meeting the director and witnessing her role come to life on screen.

Producer Pawan Gowda of Dream Pictures, a close associate of Paramesh, endorsed the film’s innovative narrative, promising audiences a gripping, three-dimensional experience.

Currently, ‘Kamarottu 2’ trailer is available on A2 Music, with preparations underway for its theatrical release.


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