The film “Kabandha,” produced under Kunjara Films, has been given a ‘UA’ certificate. Satyanath has written the story, screenplay, and directed the film. Based on a case that took place a few years ago and created fear across the state, the film incorporates some horror situations. In particular, it addresses the problem of agriculture, which has persisted for many years without our knowledge. This issue has penetrated our minds and bodies, and if we don’t pay attention to it now, it will pose a significant risk. The film aims to convey this message through entertainment rather than didactics. In one scene, a child’s dialogue, “NANGAGIDDE NINGAAGUTTHE,” complements the story. “If you come to the cinema, you will understand what it means,” says the intelligent director Sathyanath.

Prasad Vashishta, who has appeared in a few minor films, is the hero of this movie and also a joint producer.

Priyanka Malladi is the heroine. Kishore Kumar, who is a real farmer and an ace actor, has played an agriculturist role in this film. The cast also includes Avinash, Director Yogaraj Bhat, Vandana, Vachana, Vishal, Nagarjunaswamy, Chandru, Chhayashree, Prashantsiddhi, and others.

The cinematography is by Vishnuprasad, and the editing is by Satyajit Siddakant. The shoot took place over 40 days in locations like Davangere and Tumkur, with 80 percent of the film being captured at night.

“Kabandha” will hit the screens this Friday, August 9, through Somanna of Shukra Films.


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