Produced by Ajaneesh Loknath and CR Bobby under the ABBS Studios banner, the shooting of the much-awaited film “Just Married,” starring Shine Shetty of Bigg Boss fame and Ankita Amar under the direction of CR Bobby, has wrapped up. The shooting took place in Bangalore, Mysore, and Chikmagalur for forty-five days. The post-shooting work has proceeded at a brisk pace.

Ajaneesh Loknath, who has scored music for super hit films, is the producer of this film. CR Bobby has assisted Ajaneesh in the production of the film. This movie is directed by CR Bobby. CR Bobby, who had made a name for herself in the music industry, entered the Kannada film industry as a director through this film.

The film features six melodious songs composed by Ajaneesh Loknath. Among these, the recently released song “Abhimaniyagi Hode,” written by Pramod Maravante and sung by Vijay Prakash, has received critical acclaim.

Although “Just Married” is a love story film, it incorporates all the elements that the audience desires. CR Bobby has written the story, and the screenplay is jointly prepared by CR Bobby and Dhananjay Ranjan. Raghu Niduvalli is the dialogue writer of this film.

PG cinematography, Srikanth and Ashiq Kusugolli (Ganesha song) editing, Amar art direction, Vikram More action direction, and Baba Bhaskar and Shanti Aravind choreography “Just Married” songs written by Pramod Maravante and Dhananjay.

Shine Shetty, Ankita Amar, Devaraj, Achyuta Kumar, Malvika Avinash, Anoop Bhandari, Shruti Hariharan, Shruti Krishna, Sakshi Agrawal, Sreeman, Ravi Shankar Gowda, Ravi Bhatt, Vani Harikrishna, Sangeet Anil, Kumuda, Jayaram, and Vedika Karkal are among the star cast of this film.


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