With a touching suspense thriller starring Vijay Raghavendra on one side, the film “Jog 101” showcases the best of visuals through the cinematography of Suneeth Halageri. Suneeth’s capture of Jog Falls and other locations undoubtedly positions him as a contender for awards. Following S. Krishna’s work in “Mungaru Male,” this cinematographer delivers stunning visuals in his debut film, a highlight of “Jog 101.”

The trailer for “Jog 101,” directed by Vijay Kannadiga and featuring Vijay Raghavendra, has garnered rave reviews. The film, boasting a unique storyline, is set to hit screens on March 7.

Actor Vijay Raghavendra described “Jog 101” as both a suspense and action thriller, incorporating elements of love and comedy. Two songs composed by Avinash R Basootkar have already been released and received acclaim from millions. While my previous films had some hit songs, none matched the success of the songs in “Jog 101,” which make up for that shortfall. The producer, Raghavendra, the director, Vijay, and myself, Vijay Raghavendra, are excited about the film’s release on March 7. “Watch and wish,” he said.

When Vijay pitched the story of “Jog 101” to the producer, it was well received, leading to the film’s production. Vijay Raghavendra was considered ideal for the story and readily agreed to act. Director Vijay Kannadiga expressed enthusiasm for the film’s release on the 7th, emphasizing his love for Kannada cinema.

This marks my first venture into film production. “Jog 101” has been a collaborative effort, and Producer Raghu urged everyone to watch the film on March 7 and contribute to its success. Raghu, a property developer by profession, has evidently put considerable effort into developing the film beautifully.

In the film, I play the character Disha. Actress Tejaswini, portraying the role of an innocent girl, shared her excitement about her part. The film’s crew members, including music director Avinash R Basootkar, cinematographer Suneet Halageri, and choreographer Kalai, provided insights into the film. Halageri recounted an interesting incident that occurred during filming at Jog Falls.

With music by Mohan Ranga Kahale and a thrilling narrative by Manju, “Jog 101” stars Vijay Raghavendra alongside Tejaswini Shekhar. The ensemble cast also includes Govinde Gowda, Kadipudi Chandru, Rajesh Nataranga, Tilak, Niranjan Deshpande, Sashidhar, Prasanna, Sundarshree, and Harshita Gowda.


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