Malayalam film director Jio Baby presents Sitesh C Govind’s Kannada film Idu Entha Lokavayya. Director Jio Baby, known for his impactful storytelling in Malayalam cinema with critically acclaimed films like The Great Indian Kitchen and the Mammootty and Jyothika starrer Kaadal-The Core, is making his debut in Kannada cinema with this new project.

The film Idu Entha Lokavayya is produced by Mangalpadi Naresh Namdev Shenoy under the banner of Kadlekai Films.

The Kannada movie Idu Entha Lokavayya, directed by the talented Sitesh C Govind with regional talents, promises to deliver an innovative and unique cinematic experience.

Idu Entha Lokavayya is a social satirical film set in a village on the border of Karnataka and Kerala. The film opens with events that take place over two days, events that lead to profound changes in the lives of the characters.

The film features a unique combination of Kannada, Malayalam, Tulu, Konkani, and Bari languages, reflecting the diverse cultural image of the border region. The songs in the film also feature mixed language shades, adding to the luster and appeal of the film.

This rare hyperlink film begins with a curious incident occurring in the midst of some families, highlighting a series of events influenced by local superstitions and leading to some unexpected outcomes. Sitesh C Govind has crafted a story that balances insightful social commentary with witty humor, bringing out the cultural essence of the Karnataka-Kerala border and the unique beliefs of the people there.

The collaboration between Jio Baby and Sitesh C Govind has created quite a wave in the film industry. This involvement of Jio Baby is seen as a significant endorsement, likely to attract a wider audience and increase the film’s popularity and recognition beyond the Kannada-speaking regions.

Idu Entha Lokavayya will be released on August 9, 2024, across Karnataka. As anticipation builds, the film is set to create a landmark.


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