Renowned writer and director Hemanth Rao, known for “SSE—Side A and B,” recently shared that his computer is brimming with content for his upcoming film. He has decided to veer away from a sci-fi project and instead, embark on a historical film featuring the beloved Karunada Chakravarthy, Dr. Shivarajakumar, fondly known as Shivanna.
Hemant M Rao, a trailblazing director recognized for his experimental films, is now collaborating with the hat-trick hero, Dr. Shivarajakumar. The director of ‘Ghodhi Banna Sadarana Maikattu’ and ‘Kavaludaari’ has officially confirmed his next venture.
The funding for this film comes from Vaishak Gowda, a professional doctor, who is producing the movie under his banner Vaishak J Films. Discussions with Shivanna about this project have been ongoing for the past six months, and he has now given the green signal to work with Hemanth Rao.
This project marks a departure from Hemanth Rao’s previous directorial works, promising to showcase Shivanna in a completely new light. Producer Vaishak, a devoted fan of Shivanna, is thrilled to embark on his filmmaking journey with the iconic actor. The team is gearing up to unveil the star cast in the near future.