The director and actor Sandesh Shetty of Gumti has proved his mettle by securing a deal with an OTT platform for this culturally rich film.

A journalist-turned-director, known for Inamdar, Sandesh Shetty has prepared an engaging story centered on the Kudubi community. His six months of research on the subject have already yielded promising results even before the film’s release.

Not only has Gumti secured a distribution deal, but it has also garnered 22 scheduled screenings in theaters across Kundapura, Baindur, and Udupi. The release date is expected to be announced soon.

Sandesh Shetty extends immense gratitude to producer Vikas Shetty, the first to believe in the project by investing an initial sum of Rs. 5 lakhs. Vikas Shetty’s enthusiasm is so high that he has already started planning a second project with Sandesh Shetty. Besides thanking his film crew, Sandesh Shetty also expresses appreciation for Chitrakala, an accomplished journalist who was part of this journey.

This is a film that emphasizes both art and content, and it showcases Kundapura Kannada. Sandesh Shetty, who plays the role of Kashi, assures his team that he is committed to success and that achieving in this field is his top priority. He has called on the Kudubi community of 40,000 people to watch and support the film, encouraging him to pursue fresh ideas in the future.

Chitrakala, who admitted she was initially unfamiliar with the Kudubi community, is a mentor to Sandesh Shetty in journalism. She praised the film’s focus on a culture and its sounds, which are slowly fading from society.

Producer Vikas Shetty is thrilled with the project’s progress and the positive responses it is receiving. Vaishnavi Nadig expressed pride in her involvement, noting that Gumti is a unique milestone in her career and celebrating its submission to international film festivals.

Anish, the cinematographer, credited the team’s collaboration for the film’s success, while music composer Dundi Mohan highlighted the impact of thorough discussion and research on the project’s prospects.

Yash Acharya provided insights into the origins of the Kudubi community at the media briefing. Also present were Uppunda Shivaraj Mehu and Vijay, the film’s distributor.


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