The stormy writer and director Ravi Srivatsa is all set to release his directorial venture Gangs of UK during the Ugadi festival. The film is produced under his new production banner, Deadly Arts. Known for Deadly Soma and Madesh, Ravi Srivatsa is taking his storytelling to the next level with this ambitious project.
Ravi Srivatsa has given opportunities to many new talents in Gangs of UK. He cites an incident at Pillari Falls in Bagalkot as the inspiration for the film’s backdrop. The story revolves around the concept of blood leaving its mark and traveling from one person to another. The tagline, “A massacre in North Karnataka,” sets the tone for this intense narrative. Additionally, the film challenges the notion that women are not given prominence in the film industry.
The screenplay, written by Ravi Srivatsa and M.S. Ramesh, features a cast of nearly 56 artists, most of whom are newcomers. Fresh faces like Orat Prashanth, Jyothi Shetty, Kote Prabhakar, Padma Vasanti, and Muni share screen space with seasoned actors.
Currently, the film is in its final stages of post-production, and the first copy is expected to be released soon. Ravi Srivatsa has collaborated with producer L.N. Reddy to bring this project to life.
KV. Raju’s son, Amogh, takes the lead role in Gangs of UK. The cast also includes Sonu Upadhyay, Praveen, Ugram Reddy, Sathya, Dhillon, Naveen, Prajwal Maski, Umesh, Vikas, Mint Umesh—who bears a resemblance to veteran actor Balakrishna—and Mahantesh Hullur. Journalist Naveen Bangarappa plays the role of a politician named Bhosaraja.
The film incorporates several poems by Shishunala Sharif and features a total of nine songs composed by Sadhu Kokila.