‘Gangeya’ is being made simultaneously in five languages, including Kannada, and filming has been progressing at full speed. The songs of the movie were recently released at an event. Dignitaries such as NM Suresh, President of KFCC, Ba.Ma.Harish, former KFCC President, and Narasimhalu Cheluvamurthy, the grandfather of director Prashanth Neel, unveiled the Kannada rendition of the songs and extended their best wishes.

Gagan, who has already acted in more than 10 Telugu films, is playing the lead role in ‘Gangeya’. Randhir, Tejank, and Suman also feature in key roles. The film is produced by Vijayasekhar Reddy and Ramachandra Srinivasakumar.

Amid rising caste and religious conflicts in society, Director M. Ramachandra Srinivasakumar explained that ‘Gangeya’ aims to promote harmony among all castes and religions. He noted that “Ganga” is another name for Lord Subrahmanya, and also the name of Bhishma. The movie is being produced on a grand scale, with filming taking place across Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala. The plan is to release it simultaneously in all five languages.

The director and producer, Ramachandra Srinivasakumar, announced that their Vijaya Gautami Art Movies organization aims to provide a platform for young artists and technicians, with plans to produce 10 films a year.

“This is my first Kannada film, as I have primarily worked in Telugu cinema,” said actor Gagan, who is preparing extensively to do justice to his role. The director has crafted a story that delivers a meaningful message to society.

The film features renowned actor Suman in a significant role. Music is composed by Rap Rock Shakeel, with cinematography by Adusumili Vijay Kumar, and editing by Kotagi Venkatesh Rao.


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