Sometimes, only experienced individuals can do justice to the content they select. In Gagana Kusuma, director Nagendra Kumar Jain, who has been studying the cinema industry inside out and working for Doordarshan for a long time, has chosen a story and brought it to the silver screen. That is Gagana Kusuma!

In Gagana Kusuma, the director is the hero. There is no traditional hero or heroine. The film revolves around the struggles faced in the cinema industry. Nagendra Kumar Jain’s association with Suryakumar inspired him to select this theme. The film was shot over thirty days. Gagana is played by Kavya Prakash, and Kusuma is portrayed by Asha, an LLB student in real life.

Nagendra Kumar Jain recalls his Kanasina Loka days at Doordarshan. It was SA Chinne Gowda who graced the muhurat of that project 35 years ago, and today, he has launched the trailer and songs for Gagana Kusuma. Nagendra Kumar Jain, a railway employee, once invited former Union Railway Minister Jaffer Sharief for his Railu Jeevi television serial, in which Kala Tapasvi Rajesh played the lead role. Railu Jeevi received a budget of Rs. 1.30 lakh per episode in those days. My friend Shekaran has come forward to produce Gagana Kusuma, a film that refrains from promoting alcohol or smoking, Jain notes.

At the trailer and song launch of Gagana Kusuma, national award-winning director and actor Nikhil Manju attended and praised Nagendra Kumar Jain’s efforts.

Prominent figures such as well-known producer and Jain community president Prasannaiah, Prakash Sannakki, Dr. Neeraja Kumar, lawyer Nagasri, and journalist Narayan were also present to bless the team behind Gagana Kusuma.


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