The inaugural health-centric reality series, spanning 21 days and featuring participants, is a collaborative effort between Siri Kannada and Ayush TV. The “Fit Boss” show airs on both private satellite channels with a one-hour interval. Kshemavana from Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Prakruthi Chikitse Kendra is affiliated with this reality program.
The primary focus for individuals is their health, which is the central tenet of Ayush TV, a network that has been broadcasting for the past seven years. The vice chairman of Ayush TV, Arunachalam, mentions that this is the first time overweight individuals are taking part in the “Fit Boss” show.
Sanjay Shindhe, the managing director of Siri Kannada channel, expresses great satisfaction in partnering with Ayush TV for this unique program. The show premiered on October 16th, a Monday, and airs every Monday to Friday at 7 pm on Ayush TV, with an additional broadcast at 8 pm.
Nearly 2,000 overweight individuals participated in the auditions, with 21 contestants, each weighing over 100 kilograms, selected for the 21-day program. The contest promises a mix of entertainment, competition, and challenging tasks.
The grand finale will feature Golden Star Ganesh, Amoolya, Roopika, anchor Murali, and Aryan Shyam. The winning participant will receive a prize of Rs. 5 lakhs and be crowned as the “Fit Boss,” according to the show’s director, Balakrishna.
The show commences at 5 am each morning, incorporating various naturopathy courses and entertainment segments to nurture participants’ creative approaches, as stated by Dr. Narendra Shetty, an official from “Kshemavana.”
Prashanth Sambargi will serve as the main host for both the opening and closing days of the show. Harikrishna, the managing director of Ayush TV, along with Aravind NJ, Pawan Kumar, Vinayak Pai, Divya from Ayush TV, Rajesh Rajghatta from Siri Kannada, and others were present during the media briefing at Sadashivanagara Club.