The teaser of the movie “First Night with Devva,” produced by Naveen Beerappa, directed by PVR Swamy Googaredoddi, and starring actor Pratham, which was released through “Bigg Boss,” has gained popularity. “Bigg Boss” contestants “Thukali” Santhosh and Namrita attended the recent teaser release ceremony as chief guests and extended their wishes to the film crew.

Pratham expressed that he is a director’s actor and praised PVR Swamy for completing the film promptly. The filming commenced last November, with the wedding scene being the opening sequence. The plot revolves around a boy who anticipates his first night with excitement but is met with the unexpected presence of a devil. The film encompasses elements of horror, comedy, action, and sentimentality, devoid of any laughter. Pratham also mentioned being the writer of the story and screenplay. Nikhita, Jeevita, and Sushmita portray the three heroines, with Pratham’s wife also having a role. Esteemed actors such as Srinivasamurthy, Ramesh Bhatt, and Harish Raj are part of the star-studded cast. Thukali expressed gratitude towards Santosh and Namrita for their presence at the ceremony.

The film, which commenced production in November, was completed according to schedule with the collaboration of the team. Director and cinematographer PVR Swamy mentioned that preparations are underway for the film’s release next month.

During the event, producer Naveen Beerappa, heroines Nikhitha, Sushmita, Jeevita, actress Pushpa Swamy, actor Harish Raj, music director Advik Verma, and executive producer Arvind, along with Nagesh, responsible for dialogue writing and editing, shared insights about the film.


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