The film Firefly, featuring Nivedhita Shivarajakumar, the daughter of century star Dr. Shivarajkumar, introduces various characters such as Sudharani, Achyuth Kumar, and Sheetal Shetty. It now announces Rachana Inder as the female lead opposite actor Vamshi.
Rachana, who has appeared in bubbly roles in the movies Love Mocktail, Harikathe Alla Girikathe, and Triple Riding, will play the role of Neha in Firefly. Neha loves life very much and enjoys it without thinking about the future. Our film is set to hit the screens during the Deepavali festival.
Firefly is directed by young actor Vamshi, who is being introduced as a full-fledged actor in the Kannada film industry. Abhilash Kalathi is handling the cinematography, Charan Raj has composed the music, and Raghu Niduvalli has written the dialogues for this film.
Jai Ram is working as co-director alongside hero-director Vamshi. Firefly, the first film by Sri Muthu Cine Service, will be released during Deepavali.