Produced under the banner of NMK Cinemas by NM Kantaraj, directed by Chandramohan, and featuring Chikkanna, Anish Tejeshwar, Gurunandan, Rangayana Raghu, and Archana Kottige in key roles, the pre-release event of “Forest” was held recently with great fanfare. Members of the cast and crew shared their thoughts during the event.

Director Chandramohan stated: “I have known producer Kantaraj for 15 years. He was very impressed with the story and ensured the film was produced without any compromises. This is an adventure-comedy genre film, and the story revolves around five characters. Chikkanna, Anish Tejeshwar, Gurunandan, Rangayana Raghu, and Archana Kottige play significant roles, with Sharanya Shetty also appearing. The film was shot over 25 days in the Sampaje forest of Madikeri, as well as at Male Mahadeshwara Hills and Bengaluru.

I, along with Sathya Shaurya Sagar, have written the story and screenplay. The film has shaped up well with the support of the entire team. The teaser, songs, and trailer have already resonated with audiences. ‘Forest’ will hit screens on January 24.”

Producer Kantaraj added: “The film has come out wonderfully. I am also handling the distribution, and the movie will be released in over 250 theaters. I am confident ‘Forest’ will be appreciated by everyone. We seek your support for the film.”

Rangayana Raghu, who plays a sorcerer in the film, clarified: “This is not a story about growing or preserving forests. It’s about uncovering what lies within the forest.” Chikkanna described the movie as: “The story of innocent villagers venturing into the forest.” Gurunandan, who plays one of the villagers, said: “My role is that of the most innocent among the group.”

Anish Tejeshwar revealed: “This is the first time I have stepped out of my usual genre for a film.” Archana Kottige, who plays the role of Meenakshi, shared: “My character has action sequences, which is a special aspect of this film.” Actress Sharanya Shetty, co-writer and dialogue writer Sathya Shaurya Sagar, and music director Dharmavish also shared their insights about “Forest.”


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