Producer Somashekhar Kattigehalli has taken a commendable initiative to announce the release date of the Kannada film “Fighter.” In a unique move, he extended invitations to over a dozen influential figures in the Kannada language movement, who collectively represent various Kannada Sangha organizations. Together, they have set the release date for October 6th, marking a significant moment for Kannada cinema.

The presence of these prominent Kannada activists at the event was made possible thanks to the efforts of Mr. Murthy, who holds a special place in the hearts of these organization leaders. During the gathering, many of them fondly reminisced about their profound connection to the Kannada language and the historical movements they have been a part of.

Vinod Prabhakar, the lead actor of “Fighter,” passionately emphasized the importance of giving precedence to the Kannada language. He also highlighted the various initiatives he has undertaken to promote Kannada. It’s worth noting that the film’s central theme revolves around the noble cause of supporting farmers, a cause that deeply resonates with Vinod Prabhakar.

Lekha Chandra, the female lead of “Fighter,” expressed her appreciation for the decision to invite these influential figures from Kannada organizations. She believes it was the right choice for such an occasion.

Producer Somashekhar’s innovative approach to announcing the film’s release date brought great joy to the veterans in attendance. He took the opportunity to honor the esteemed guests during this memorable event.

Distinguished attendees included Shivarame Gowda, President of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike; KR Kumar, President of Kannada Sene; Ramesh Gowda of Kasthuri Karnataka Jayapriya Vedike; KC Murthy of Kannada Rakshana Vedike; Venkat Swamy of Samatha Sainika Dhala; Shivanand Shetty of Ka Ra Ve; Bharathi Nayak, President of Human Rights Women; KK Mohan of Nada Senani Kempe Gowda Trust; Mallikarjun, Vijayakumar, Somashekhar, Ravikumar, and several others.

Director Nutan Umesh expressed his heartfelt delight at the presence of these real-life fighters of society who came together to announce the release date of the Kannada film “Fighter.”


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