In a rare twist within the Kannada cinema realm, we witness the directorial collaboration of a father-son duo. Renowned director SV Rajendra Singh Babu takes the helm in directing his son, Adhitya, in ‘Love’, marking a notable instance amidst several such occurrences in the industry.

While it’s commonplace for fathers to invest in their sons’ journey to stardom, it’s particularly remarkable when a father takes on the directorial reins for his son’s cinematic venture. Such is the case with ‘Agniloka’. H.M.K. Murthy, a revered figure in the cinematic domain who sadly passed away in 2015, held esteemed positions as a senior cinematographer, producer, director, and was the inaugural president of the Producers’ Association.

In ‘Agniloka’, HMK Murthy’s grandson, Yashaswa, steps into the limelight as the protagonist, under the direction of his father, Rajesh Murthy.

This emotionally charged action thriller has recently garnered a U/A certificate from the Censor Board. Yashaswa, following in his grandfather’s footsteps, has meticulously prepared himself to carve his path as both an artist and technician in the film industry.

Rajesh Murthy, known for his previous works in crime and thriller genres such as ‘Lipstick Murder’, ‘Joker Joker’, and ‘Psychomax’, ventures into the action thriller realm for the first time with ‘Agniloka’. He not only penned the story but also took charge of directing and editing.

The film, shot over approximately 30 days across Bangalore, KGF, Mandya, and Chikkamagaluru, boasts lavish production values courtesy of producer Mr. Pushpa Manjunath under the banner of Vishnu Pushpa Films.

Manjushree graces the screen as the leading lady, while Nela Mahesh, the brother of the late Nela Narendrababu, portrays the protagonist’s father after a hiatus. B.S. Manjunath, Ajith Kumar, and Pramod Hiremath round off the ensemble cast, with Vinod behind the camera and Nitish Kumar handling the music composition.


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