It was a ‘Father’s Day’ for the Bengaluru media in Mysuru. The father of the film ‘Father’, meaning producer R. Chandru, the grandfather of acting, Prakash Rai, and the soon-to-be father in personal life, Darling Krishna, were present at the 100-year-old house in the NR Mohalla locality.

Produced by R. Chandru’s RC Studios, ‘Father’, starring Prakash Rai and ‘Darling’ Krishna as father and son, has been shooting for the last 10 days in the Palace City, Mysore.

Dayal Padmanabhan, executive producer of the film, welcomed the media and disclosed how clever producer R. Chandru is. “He knows how to market his products efficiently. I am also directing a film in his RC Studio and his growth is enormous,” he stated.

Amrutha Iyengar, the Mysuru beauty, was happy for her second film with Darling Krishna. “The shoot is taking place in my hometown, and working with a legend like Prakash Rai is another great opportunity. I grew up watching his films, and it is a good fortune given by RC Studios to act with him. I am told not to divulge anything about the film,” Amrutha Iyengar smiled and passed the mike to Darling Krishna.

Darling Krishna admitted that it was his wife, Milana, who liked this story first. “The story is good. Milana said I had to do it. I wanted to act with Prakash Rai. I used to get scared while acting with him. So many times, watching him act, I forgot to react. ‘Father’ will be a film that will remain in people’s minds. In reality, there is no resemblance to my life. The contents of this film are something that I did not expect in my life so far,” said hero Darling Krishna.

Prakash Rai said, “I should have done ‘Kabza’ with Chandru first. But, due to some reasons, it was not possible. Now I am acting in the movie ‘Father’. This is a heartwarming story. Along with father-son love, today’s father-son relationship is told. When I heard the story, I felt that this is the most needed movie today. This is a haunting film. R. Chandru is producing five films through RC Studios. I have made 26 films as a producer in the last 30 years. I am happy to act in this film and to be shooting in Mysore, which I love very much.”

Prakash Rai, batting several questions that were outside the stumps, remembered some of the films in which he acted as a father in Tamil and Kannada. He gives full marks to the film ‘Nanu Nanna Kanasu’ and says it is the best father role he has played. Very seriously, Prakash Rai said, “After Mahatma Gandhi, he is the father of the nation.”

Producer R. Chandru said, “This is the first movie produced by the RC Studios banner. Prakash Rai is the grandfather of this film. I should have done a movie with Krishna earlier, but it is possible now. It is an emotional film like ‘Taj Mahal’. The father-son relationship is shown in it, and it is believed that the film ‘Father’ will be liked by everyone. As soon as I heard about the role of the father, I felt that Prakash Rai would do well in this role. He willingly agreed to act in this film. The film has been planned to be shot in Mysore, Varanasi, and Mangalore at one stage,” he said.

Raj Mohan is writing and directing the film ‘Father’. Raj Mohan directed two films in Tamil and prefers to talk about the film once the shoot is finished.

Cinematographer Sugnan was waiting to work in this kind of environment, and he is doing his best to give good output.

Gaura Hari of ‘Hanuman’ fame, Raghunath, is the music director. Action is composed by Vinod, and choreography by Madan Harini and Santhosh. Manju Mandavya has penned the dialogues for this film.


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