The much-awaited film “Ekka”, starring Yuva Rajkumar, produced in collaboration with P.R.K Productions, Jayanna Films, and K.R.G. Studios, began its shooting today following the “Nandi Pooja” / Muhurat ceremony held at Shri Bande Makkalamma Temple.

The ceremony was marked by Mrs. Shailaja Vijay, wife of Vijay Kiragandur, clapping to signal the auspicious beginning of the film. The first shot was directed by actor Daali Dhananjay, and the camera was switched on by Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Ramakrishna, mother of producer Kartik Gowda.

The team announced that the shooting of Ekka will take place in various locations, including Kashmir, Bengaluru, Mysuru, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

Director Rohith Padaki expressed his excitement, saying, “Ekka is a mega film, and I feel honored to be responsible for its direction. The trust placed in this film by all the producers, the people of Karnataka, Yuva Rajkumar, and his fans, will be well-earned. This film will leave a profound emotional impact on the audience.”

Lead actor Yuva Rajkumar shared, “With the blessings of my mother and Appu Chikkappa (Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar), today we begin the shoot of Ekka. I am thrilled to work with three renowned production houses and a distinguished director like Rohith Padki.”

Actress Sampada (the female lead) expressed her happiness: “I’m so delighted that the shooting of Ekka has started on such an auspicious note. I’m eagerly looking forward to the shooting phase.”

Ekka tells the story of a young man and his experiences when he gets caught in the underworld. This forms the core of the film’s narrative.

The movie stars Yuva Rajkumar, Sampada, Athul Kulkarni, Shruti Krishna, Rahul Dev Shetty, and others. The screenplay has been written by Rohith Padaki and Vikram Hatwar. Music for the film is composed by Charan Raj, with lyrics by V. Nagendra Prasad, Nagarjuna Sharma, actor Daali Dhananjaya, and Rohith Padki.

Satya Hegde is the Director of Photography, Deepu S. Kumar is the editor, and Vishwas Kashyap is the production designer. The action sequences will be choreographed by Arjun Raj and Chetan D’Souza.

The film is being produced under the banners of Mrs. Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar’s P.R.K Productions, Jayanna & Bhogendra Jayanna Films, and Kartik Gowda & Yogi G. Raj’s K.R.G. Studios. Ekka is slated for release on June 6, 2025.

The team has promised that Ekka will set a new benchmark in Kannada cinema.


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