The short film with no shortcomings, “Dvandvam Dwayam,” is directed by Mann Changappa, who works as a director in the ‘Tent School’ of cinema of renowned writer and director Nagatihalli Chandrasekhar. Recently, a screening and discussion of this short film were held at the Karnataka Film Artists Association. Nagatihalli Chandrasekhar, Dr. Na Damodar Shetty, Ashok Kashyap, Anoop Bhandari, and Champa Shetty arrived as chief guests, watched the short film, and wished the team of the short film with their encouraging words.

This is a picture unfolding on the canvas of a prison inmate’s last night before his execution. It is a picture that examines the complexities inherent in each person’s existence. The short film attempts to explore the complexities of human life in 17 minutes. Director Mann Changappa gave a brief introduction about the short film “Dvandvam Dwayam,” which is an exploration of the life and choices within all of us. “It was a great pleasure to screen my first short film in front of my two gurus, Nagatihalli Chandrasekhar and Na Damodar Shetty. I would like to thank cinematographer and director Ashok Kashyap, director Champa Shetty, and director Anoop Bhandari, and my entire team as chief guests. May you all support my first attempt,” he said.

This short film is produced by Harshika Vasanth through Yellow DIARIES. Vikash Uttayya, who has already acted in a few films, has acted in the lead role of “Surya.” Surya and Sumoksha are in the star constellation.

Mann Changappa has written the story and screenplay, while Nada Shetty has penned the dialogue. The short film “Dvandvam Dwayam” has music direction by Rithvik Muralidhar, cinematography by Rajarao Anchalkar, and editing by Uday Kumar.


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