“Vasantha Kalada Hoovugalu,” a distinctive teenage love narrative, garners significant backing from the beloved action prince, Dhruva Sarja, providing a substantial boost to the film’s publicity as he introduces it to the silver screen.

A dedicated, cautious team of creators fully embraced the film’s unique content, with Dhruva Sarja expressing his support, stating, “The compelling story behind this film motivated me to be part of it.”

Set in the nostalgic backdrop of North Karnataka, the film delves into college days, mischievous friendships, and beautiful romances, offering audiences a delightful journey back in time. The director is gearing up for the film’s release on November 10.

Sachin Shetty, the mastermind behind the compelling film ‘Ondu Shikariya Kathe,’ which earned accolades, is back with a new venture: “Vasantha Kalada Hoogalu,” a touching teenage love story, according to Sachin Shetty.

The lead roles are portrayed by Sachin Rathod and Radha Bhagavathi, both hailing from Bijapura district, while Ashok Rathod and Siddu Rasure, also from the same district, serve as the film’s producers.

Joining Sachin Rathod and Radha Bhagavathi are accomplished actors Ramesh Rai, Gururaj Shetty, Pavan, Nandish, and others in pivotal supporting roles.

BS Kemparaj, a seasoned editing expert, manages the film’s editing tasks, while Bharat Janardhan is responsible for the music, and Shivashankara Norambada serves as the cinematographer for “Vasantha Kalada Hoogalu.”


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