Famous comedy actor Dharmanna Kadur finds himself on a journey akin to ‘Raja Yoga.’ In his characteristic witty manner during a media address, Dharmanna humbly states that he doesn’t consider himself the sole hero of the film ‘Rajayoga’; rather, he believes the story and director share the spotlight as dual heroes. He further asserts that ‘Rajayoga’ will maintain a balance between humor and a variety of emotions, drawing inspiration from the film quality of yesteryears, reminiscent of Anant Nag and Shashikumar. He emphasizes that the film’s characterizations, values, and relationships will resonate with a broad audience.

The latest trailer of ‘Rajayoga’ witnessed a unique release, as two cinema enthusiasts, Vedavathi and Dakshayini, took the stage to perform a song dedicated to the omnipresent Ganesha and extended their best wishes to the film’s team.

Following the moderate success of ‘Kannada Gotthilla,’ Kumara Kanteerava and his friends have regrouped to support his second venture. Dharmanna recalls that he proposed the script during the challenging times of the pandemic, and it has been a shared dream with director Lingaaraju.

Renowned senior actor in theater, cinema, and television, Srinivas Gowda, vouched for the film’s quality on behalf of the team. He commended the director, who happens to be his neighbor, for his exemplary thinking and reading habits, which contribute to a compelling presentation.

Director Lingaraja Uchangidurga not only conceived the story but also handled the screenplay and dialogues, demonstrating a deep commitment to the project. The film is set in a rustic village backdrop, resonating with Lingaraja’s own rural roots. The film delves into various characters and revolves around the intricate relationship between a father and son, intertwining themes of astrology. The intriguing aspect is how the son influences a change in his father’s perspective, all infused with a dose of humor. The film emphasizes the importance of living in the present, rather than dwelling on the past or future, as highlighted by director Lingaraj. He dedicated 45 days to the film’s shooting, and the post-production work for ‘Rajayoga’ is currently in progress.

Niriksha Rao plays a significant role in the film, with Akshay Rishab composing six melodious songs. Vishnuprasad serves as the cinematographer, and BS Kemparaju has overseen the editing process.

The cast of ‘Rajayoga’ includes Nagendra Shah, Rohini, Krishnamurthy Kavathar, Srinivasa Gowdru, Usha Ravishanker, Mahantesh Hiremath, and several others.

In addition to Kumara Kanteerava, Deekshit Krishna, Prabhu Chikkanayakanahalli, Lingaraju KN, Srjun Anathi, and Honnappa Kadur are the producers behind this film, collectively shaping the vision of ‘Rajayoga.


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