Discover a rare occurrence as the next generation of cinema unfolds, showcasing exceptional writers who venture onto the acting stage. Among these unique talents is Arjun, son of veteran Kannada writer Ajay Kumar, who has spent over three decades specializing in poignant narratives. Arjun makes his cinematic entrance with ‘Guns and Roses’, marking the initiation of his Kannada film journey. The auspicious muhurat for the film took place at Bengaluru’s Bande Makalamma temple.

Adding an intriguing twist to the production, HR Nataraj, hailing from the political arena and the construction industry, invests in the project. After comprehending the film’s essence from his directorial friend Srinivakumar, Nataraj agreed to fund the endeavor with the stipulation of adhering to a predefined timeline. The team is optimistic about meeting their goal of releasing the film by the end of this year.

Srinivas Kumar, who has previously served as an assistant director, makes his debut as the director of this project. Arjun steps into the limelight alongside Yashwika Nishkala, both making their debuts in the acting realm. Noteworthy contributions include Shashikumar as the music composer, Janardhan as the cinematographer, Sanjeev Reddy as the editor, and Thriller Manju as the stunt coordinator. The intricate storytelling and dialogue crafting are attributed to Sharath.

Arjun, addressing the media, expresses his enthusiasm for entering the cinematic world with a compelling role and narrative. Yashwika Nishkala, the female lead, also expresses her satisfaction with the film’s content.

Writer Sharath reveals that the narrative encompasses a potent blend of underworld elements and a captivating love story. Ajay Kumar extends his gratitude to the media for their unwavering support throughout his extensive career and hopes for a similar positive reception for his son Arjun.


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