Darshan, the revered star of Kannada cinema known for his support of emerging talents, has launched the song from the ‘Jaaji’ album, extending his best wishes to the team. Despite experiencing discomfort in his left hand, Darshan graciously appeared as a guest on the program, emphasizing his commitment to nurturing Kannada talent. Esteemed figures such as MLA Satish Reddy, producer Shailaja Nag, and music director V. Harikrishna graced the video album release event.

The album features a song starring Jaaji, the daughter of former Deputy Mayor Mohan Raju and B. Sunita Mohan Raju, also titled ‘Jaaji’.

The musical composition of “Jaaji” is brought to life by Sunita Mohan Raju under the Sumo Productions banner, with lyrics and music by Harshit Gowda. The cinematography by Kumar, choreography by Mohan, vocals by Aishwarya Rangarajan, and Jaaji’s performance are showcased on the D Beats YouTube channel.

Following the song’s release, Darshan shared, “Before delving into the song, allow me to share a few thoughts. A friend, Mohan Raju, spoke to me about his daughter’s passion for dance, mentioning her name, Jaaji. I found the name Jaaji intriguing amidst contemporary trends. Furthermore, I learned his son’s name is Jana, which was equally surprising. This song ‘Jaaji’ beautifully encapsulates her dance prowess. I extend my gratitude to Shailaja Nag and V. Harikrishna for releasing the song via D Beats. Let’s all rally behind and support this talented individual.”

“It has always been my father D. Boregowda’s aspiration that my daughter Jaaji emerges as a renowned artist, and today, that dream is realized with the release of her debut song ‘Jaaji’. With this milestone, her responsibilities grow, and I express heartfelt thanks to the entire team for their invaluable contributions,” remarked Sunita Mohan Raju.

Reflecting on her journey, Jaaji expressed, “My tryst with dance began at the tender age of two and a half, inspired by my grandfather’s passion. Today, fulfilling his wishes, I’ve mastered four dance forms, including Bharatanatyam. This song showcases various dance styles, and I’m profoundly grateful to Darshan sir, my parents, and the entire team for this opportunity.”

Harshit Gowda, the creative force behind the music and lyrics, along with choreographers Mohan and Shailaja Nag, and V. Harikrishna of D Beats, commended the quality of the song ‘Jaaji’.


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