The trailer launch of “Tagaru Palya,” a film with distinctive content produced by Daali Pictures, received the honor of a visit from Darshan, the beloved Challenging Star, who is highly regarded by countless fans. His presence at Kalavidhara Bhavana added an extra touch of grandeur to the event, where he extended his blessings to the team, wishing them immense success.

During his speech, the Challenging Star Darshan surprised everyone by expressing his desire for Daali Pictures to produce one of his future film. He also warmly welcomed Amrutha Prem to the Kannada cinema industry and expressed his admiration for actor Nagabhushan. He noted that the film’s focus on rural life was a key aspect and commended Dhananjaya KA, who stands at the forefront of such initiatives, saying, “Badavara Makkalu Doddavaru Agabeku” (the children of the poor should prosper). Darshan wished Daali Dhananjaya the best of luck, earning a thunderous round of applause.

“Tagaru Palya” immerses the audience in the heart of village life, where tradition, folklore, and vibrant characters take center stage. The film’s primary theme revolves around its rural connection.

Amrutha Prem, the daughter of the popular Kannada cinema actor Lovely Star Premkumar, makes her debut in the movie opposite the talented comedy actor Nagabhushan. Remarkable performances by Thara Anuradha, Rangayana Raghu, and others authentically capture the essence of rural life through their characters.

“Tagaru Palya explores a range of emotions and relationships, and I want to express my gratitude to all the team members for their exceptional contributions. When Umesh narrated the script, I was immediately drawn to the subject. As a producer, I’ve invested in the right talents, as I firmly believe that it’s talent that propels everyone to greater heights,” remarked Dhananjaya KA, during his third production trailer release event. He also mentioned that audiences would witness a different portrayal of Nagabhushan in this film, and he complimented Amrutha by likening her to ‘Mahalakshmi’ during the media address in the packed auditorium.

Dhananjay further mentioned the support he receives from his fellow actors in the industry, Darshan and Prem, who have always been there to wish him well in his endeavors. Their goodwill, he stated, is all that is needed for success.

Nagabhushan, one of the lead in the film, expressed his gratitude for the blessings he has received in the cinema industry, considering himself fortunate to be a part of it. Amrutha Prem, making her Kannada film debut, expressed her profound happiness at having Darshan’ji release the trailer, a moment she will cherish throughout her life.

Directed by Umesh, “Tagaru Palya” features a talented cast including Thara, Rangayana Raghu, Vijanath Biradar, Vasuki Vaibhav, and others. The film is set for release on October 27th.


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