Daali Dhananjaya, a popular actor, writer, and singer, is set to release another film under his banner, ‘Daali Pictures’ titled ‘Tagaru Palya.’ This cinematic treat is scheduled to hit the silver screen in a grand manner on the 27th of October. Currently, it is scheduled to be screened on 175 screens, with several early morning showings, reflecting the eager anticipation of the audience for Daali Pictures’ latest offering.

The film will be released by KRG Karthik Gowda and Yogi. According to KRG Karthik Gowda, he had the privilege of viewing the film 45 days in advance, and he is highly impressed with its quality. He commends the film for its strong content, commitment to Kannada culture, and, most importantly, the outstanding performance by the lead actor. KRG distribution considers this film as one of their best releases.

The celebrity show of ‘Tagaru Palya’ at 6.40 pm on Thursday is expected to be graced by the presence of Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, along with other notable personalities. Siddaramaiah is affectionately referred to as ‘Tagaru’ by those close to him.

The film’s producer, Daali Dhananjaya, exudes confidence in the film’s subject and its appeal to the audience. He takes pride in his creation, stating that the film’s message, “Badavara Mane Maklu Belibeku” (the youth from economically disadvantaged backgrounds should prosper), is coming to life through Daali Pictures. This marks the third debut director introduced by the banner, a fact that brings Dhananjay immense joy.

National acclaimed actor Thara Anuradha describes ‘Tagaru Palya’ as a delightful cinematic experience. She believes that the film’s release, right after the Dasara festivities, will uplift spirits. Amrutha, the daughter of popular hero Prem, makes her debut in this film, and her performance is nothing short of remarkable. Thara Anuradha credits Amrutha’s mother, Jyothi, for preparing her so well for the role. She also fondly recalls the successful collaborations she has had with Rangayana Raghu, emphasizing their box office compatibility.

Nagabhushan, a versatile actor known for his character roles, expresses his joy at the big-screen release of ‘Tagaru Palya.’ This is Daali Pictures’ third venture, and it also serves as a platform to showcase the talents of the charming star Premkumar’s daughter, Amrutha, who plays the female lead.

The film’s music features catchy lyrics penned by Daali Dhananjay and composed by Vasuki Vaibhav. Directed by Umesh K Krupa, ‘Tagaru Palya’ offers a complete ‘Desi’ experience set against the backdrop of Mandya district’s culture and heritage.

The cast includes national award-winning Thara Anuradha, Rangayana Raghu, Sharat Lohitashva, and other talented actors, with SK Rao serving as the cinematographer.


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