The talents hailing from Northern Karnataka have recently taken a resolute step. In recent times, the ‘Shetty’ gang from Southern Karnataka has dominated the scene, from ‘Kirik Party’ to ‘Kantara.’ However, the diligent and dedicated team, led by producers Suresh Shivoor and Lokesh Savadi, has introduced a Kannada film titled ‘Cycle Savaari.’

The ‘Cycle Savaari’ team originates from the northern part of Karnataka, specifically Vijayapura (formerly known as Bijapura) district. All team members boast significant experience in various domains.

Within this group, Devu Ambiga assumes multiple roles, including director, screenwriter, dialogue writer, and lead actor. Additionally, Roshan Desai takes charge of cinematography and music for the film.

The enthusiastic and content ‘Cycle Savaari’ team recently unveiled their trailer and showcased four songs at Renukamba Digital Theater in Malleswaram, Bengaluru.

‘Cycle Savaari’ narrates the story of a roadside ‘Mitaayi’ (Sweets) vendor who falls in love with a girl from an affluent family. Their journey is far from smooth, filled with challenges. Devu Ambiga, with experience in short films, editing, and background work for nearly 20 post-production projects, shoulders significant responsibilities. He shares that the team members were driven by a desire to deliver their best and managed to bring the film to fruition. The film has received a U/A certificate from the censor board. Initially conceived as a short film, ‘Cycle Savaari’ evolved into a feature film.

Deeksha, who bears a striking resemblance to early-day Meera Jasmine and Jayaprada, graces the screen with her beauty and talent in the film’s songs. She is a Bharatanatyam dancer who, with her parents’ approval, has embarked on her acting career and aspires to take on more film projects.

Another notable contributor to the ‘Cycle Savaari’ team is the music director and cinematographer, Roshan Desai. Roshan Desai, now working on his 18th film as a music director, initially pursued cinematography as a hobby and has honed his skills over time. He emphasizes the team’s ability to achieve maximum results with a minimal number of technicians, and the film promises an intriguing twist every half an hour.

Shivaji, an activist in the Vijayapura region, portrays the antagonist in the film, playing the role of a sand mafia operator and the grandfather of the female protagonist. Geetha Raghavendra, Kavya, and others also shared insights during the media briefing.

Malur Vijay, one of the team members, declares that this film is a captivating and intense experience for Karnataka’s audience. ‘Cycle Savaari,’ produced by Kalarang Film Studio and Productions, is set to hit over 30 theaters on November 3.


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