Shashikiran, an engineer turned director, has directed his maiden movie starring Master Pawan Basrur, the son of the famous music director Ravi Basrur. The movie, titled ‘Click,’ is the second for Pawan, as he played a child actor role in ‘Girmit’ in Kannada cinema.

Shashikiran, an IT employee, has produced the movie ‘Click’ under Sharanya Films with great love for cinema. Along with Pawan, another young actor, Karthik, also plays the lead role. Chandrakala Mohan, Rachana Dasharath, Sanju Basaiah, Sililalli Anand, Sumana Shashi, and many others are in the film’s star cast.

While most parents aspire for their children to become doctor-engineers, there are many other options available. ‘Click’ revolves around the theme of education—that children should be allowed to read and choose according to their wishes. Young director Shasikumar has given an action cut for this movie, and the trailer will be released soon.

Shashikiran has been interested in art since childhood. He completed engineering and joined work on the advice of his family. However, Shashi’s mind was attracted to cinema. So, Sasikiran turned towards cinema along with work.

“I started this movie because I wanted to learn about filmmaking. I am happy that my dream has come true in a big way. I have learned a lot by watching movies, gaining valuable experience. There is a lot of innovation in this movie. When I went to tell the story to Ravi Basruru, he asked me for one line. Ravi Basruru told me, ‘Don’t touch my son; just do the audition and get selected.’ After being selected through the audition, we also did a workshop. Pawan has the power to attract people to act and the desire to achieve great things at a young age.

From investing in the film to making artist selections, costume design, choosing locations, editing, and handling the music, everything was done by Shashikiran. He has been involved in every aspect, taking the time to provide everything needed for the film, maintain quality, and create the film ‘Click,’ says producer Shashikiran.

Filming took place around Bangalore, Bidadi, and Ramanagara Kundapura. ‘Click’ has music direction by Akash Parva-Viswas Kaushik, cinematography by Jeevan Gowda, and editing by Vinay Kumar.


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