Under the banner of Tarun Studios, producers Manasa Tarun and Tarun Shivappa present Choo Mantar, a highly anticipated film directed by Navaneeth of Karvva fame and starring the celebrated actor Sharan. The film’s trailer, featuring unique content, has been released and is receiving widespread acclaim. With a significant number of views, the trailer has successfully piqued the curiosity of audiences, heightening anticipation for the movie’s release.
Scheduled for a grand release on January 10, Choo Mantar boldly enters the Sankranti festive season—a time when large-scale films from other languages dominate. Producer Tarun Shivappa expressed confidence in the film’s content, stating, “Our movie has everything audiences desire. We’re sure it will resonate with viewers, which is why we’re releasing it during Sankranti.”
The film, already popular through its teaser and trailer, features an ensemble cast including Sharan, Chikkanna, Meghana Gaonkar, Aditi Prabhudeva, and Prabhu Mundkur.
With cinematography by Anoop Kuttukaran, music composed by Chandan Shetty, and a background score by Avinash Basutkar, Choo Mantar promises to be a visual and musical treat.