Chetan Mundadi, renowned for his exceptional work in his previous two films, ‘Madipu’ and ‘Varnapatala,’ now presents his third cinematic creation, ‘Bhavapoorna.’ The film’s initial media meet showcased two songs that hold great promise for the project.

The songs ‘Doora Doora Baninoora’ and ‘Thandani,’ composed and lyricized by V Manohar, received resounding applause from the packed audience at Renukamba Digital Theater.

At the heart of this film lies the art of capturing portrait photography in a remote village setting. The poster, featuring the dates ‘Marana 24th July 1990’ and ‘Janana 2023,’ piqued curiosity among viewers.

Prashanth Anjanappa serves as the film’s producer and attributes its success to the tireless efforts of editor Keerthi. The film underwent 68 editing revisions, a testament to the director Chetan Mundadi’s patience. With a 45-day shoot, the film promises delightful moments, as expressed by the producer.

Director Chetan Mundadi emphasizes his focus on bridging generational gaps throughout the film. He extends gratitude to editor Keerthi for accommodating his creative process during editing. To capture the true essence of nature, the director patiently awaited the changing seasons.

Veteran actor Ramesh Pandit, with 37 years of experience, plays a role of a lifetime in this film. Sunder Veena crafted the film’s dialogues, with many lines dedicated to the talented actress Shylasri Dharmendra Urs.

The song release event saw the presence of key figures, including Atharva Prakash, editor Keerthi, DOP Prasanna (who received notable acclaim for his work), Shylasri, and esteemed guests such as the national award-winning director BS Lingadevaru and director Sathyaprakash.

In a special moment, respected journalist B N Subramanya was honored with a Mysuru Peta, shawl, fruit basket, and a memento to celebrate his recent national award achievement.


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