Aravind Shastry, a popular director associated with ‘Kahi’ and ‘Alidu Ulidavaru,’ supported by his wife Akshara Bharadwaj, has collaborated with the talented Aravind Iyer of ‘Kirik Party’ and ‘Bheemasena Nalamaharaja,’ among others, for the upcoming Kannada film titled ‘Bisi Bisi Ice Cream.’

For this project, Aravind Shastry has enlisted the skills of Siri Ravikumar and Gopalakrishna Deshpande for two significant roles, as revealed in the intriguing teaser that has already been released. The film, ‘Bisi Bisi Ice Cream,’ is crafted around two contrasting issues, providing the rationale behind the chosen title, as explained by Aravind Shastry.

Director Arvind Shastri emphasized that the movie will not merely explore the profession of a cab driver but delve into the life of the individual behind the wheel. The plot unfolds with the entry of a mysterious girl, leading to a series of adventures and misadventures in the life of the lonely cab driver. Aravind Shastry, responsible for writing, directing, and editing, aims to release the film in March. He also expressed satisfaction with choosing natural locations for the shoot, enhancing the authenticity of this dark comedy.

Arvind Iyer, one of the actors in the film, highlighted the uniqueness of his character, revealing sacrifices made, such as giving up workouts and sleep to fully embody the role. He enjoyed the experience and found ample space to showcase his performance.

Siri Ravikumar, known for her role in ‘Swathi Mutthina Male Haniye,’ takes on the role of an escort – sex worker in ‘Bisi Bisi Ice Cream.’ The film promises a mix of comedy, thriller, and adventure, making the shooting process enjoyable for the cast. Gopalakrishna Deshpande, playing the character of Monte, was intrigued by the unique storyline and accepted the role inspired by author Montel William.

The film, produced by Akshara Bharadwaj under the banner of Boiled Beans Pictures, features music direction by Nakul Abhyankar and cinematography by Enosh Oliveira. The team has initiated promotional efforts with the release of the trailer and is gearing up for the film’s March release.


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