In an exciting development for Kannada cinema, Kichcha Sudeepa has announced a new collaboration with the producers of the blockbuster film ‘Hanuman.’ This partnership is centered around the highly anticipated project ‘Billa Ranga Bhasha,’ and the initial reveal includes the film’s title logo and concept video.

Following the success of ‘Vikrant Rona,’ Sudeepa is reuniting with director Anup Bhandari for this new venture. The collaboration with the ‘Hanuman’ producers, Niranjan Reddy and Chaitanya Reddy, marks a significant moment as the producers have invested heavily in the film, promising a grand production under their Prime Show Entertainment banner.

On the occasion of his birthday, Sudeepa treated his fans to the first glimpse of ‘Billa Ranga Bhasha.’ This glimpse includes the film’s title logo and a concept video that features notable landmarks such as the Liberty Statue, Eiffel Tower, and Taj Mahal, setting the stage for a futuristic narrative. The video opens with the intriguing line, “Once Upon A Time in 2209 AD,” which has generated considerable buzz and speculation about the film’s storyline.

Anup Bhandari, the director of ‘Billa Ranga Bhasha,’ revealed that the film would be a major project in Sudeepa’s career, boasting one of the highest budgets. Bhandari, who previously worked with Sudeepa on ‘Vikrant Rona,’ mentioned that the producers approached him during the post-production of ‘Hanuman,’ expressing enthusiasm for the project and their intention to produce it on a grand scale.

Fans are eagerly awaiting updates on the film, frequently inquiring for news with comments like “Update beku boss” (Need an update, boss). The concept video also provides insight into the film’s team and production details, showcasing contributions from the ‘Rangitaranga’ and ‘Rajaratha’ directors.

Producer Niranjan Reddy shared his excitement about working with Anup Bhandari and Kichcha Sudeepa. He emphasized that ‘Vikrant Rona’ had been a massive success in Telugu, and the compelling story of ‘Billa Ranga Bhasha’ motivated them to produce the film. Reddy highlighted the opportunity to collaborate with Sudeepa as a significant one and promised to deliver an extraordinary cinematic experience to the audience.

‘Billa Ranga Bhasha’ will be produced in multiple languages and is set to enter the shooting phase soon, promising a new and thrilling addition to Indian cinema.


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