Two handsome actors, Pramod and Prithvi, who are also talented, starred in ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’. Completing all formalities of shooting and post-production, they held the teaser release event. The event was attended by action prince Dhruva Sarja, lovely star Premkumar, noted producer Uday K Mehta, director Simple Suni, promising actor and producer Gowrishanker, and others on Saturday evening at Dr Rajakumar Indoor stadium in Mahalakshmipuram, Bengaluru.

The occasion also marked producer Mune Gowda’s birthday, making the grand event and the teaser release a significant publicity step for the film ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’.

Dhruva Sarja expressed, “As soon as I heard the title of the film, I remembered ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ from the movie ‘Vamshi’ starring Puneeth Rajakumar. The main reason I came here today is because of the technicians involved in this film. Girish Moolimani, who worked as an associate director in the film ‘Varada Nayaka’, starring my brother Chiranjeevi Sarja and Sudeep Sir, is the director of this film. After seeing the trailer, I am convinced that this movie will be a treat for the audiences. Uday is the DOP of this film, and he is a wonderful worker. Today is producer Munegowda’s birthday, so let’s wish him well. I also want to extend my best wishes to the heroes of the movie, Pramod and Prithvi. I believe this movie will be a super hit.”

Actor Pramod remarked, “‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ is a movie that has been accepted very fondly. I hadn’t done a love story before. When Girish narrated the story and the scenes, it was fun. I agreed happily because if this kind of movie is made, it will reach many people, families, and girls. When Girish started shooting, I was initially shocked by his slow pace. But now that dubbing has started, I understand why he took his time. Everyone likes movies. Munegowda is a very fashionable producer.”

Director Girish stated, “We have launched the teaser of ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ to mark the producer’s birthday. This is just the beginning of the Cinema Journey. Next, we have songs, trailers, and especially, a story that connects with the youth and families. I am grateful for the producers’ support at every stage of the movie.”

Girish Moolimani, who wrote the story, screenplay, and directed the movie ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’, had previously directed the movie ‘Rajaru’. Producer M Munegowda has invested in ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ through his own SVC Films production with the dream of contributing wonderful films to the Kannada cinema industry.

‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ is a love and romance-filled movie with strong family emotions. The story unfolds in two backdrops of city and village. Rachel David of ‘Love Mocktail’ fame is paired with Pramod, and Ashwathi is paired with Prithvi. The star cast includes Achyut Kumar, Sarath Lohitashwa, Prakash Tumminadu, Sidlingu Sridhar, Harini, Prashar Rekha, Prajwal Shetty, and Chetan Durga. The film showcases Uday Leela’s camera skills, Gummineni Vijay’s music, and Sunil Kashyap’s composition. ‘Bhuvanam Gaganam’ is set to hit the screens in the monsoon.


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