Nagashekhar, a prominent figure in the Kannada film industry known for his string of three successful films, including his comedic acting, recently ventured into historical filmmaking. His latest project delves into the significant Battle of Koregaon, a pivotal clash that occurred on January 1, 1818, involving the British East India Company and the Peshwa faction of the Maratha in Koregaon Bhima. With 28,000 forces under Peshwa Baji Rao II opposing just 500 adversaries, this 12-hour battle was led by Captain Francis Staunton, and it is commemorated with a victory pillar (Obelisk) in Koregaon.

Nagashekhar, who also has “Sanju Weds Geetha 2” in his portfolio, has announced a groundbreaking film project with a budget of Rs. 120 crore. Collaborating with Chalavadhi Kumar from Pavithara International Movie Makers, Nagashekhar aims to lead the way in bringing this revolutionary subject to the big screen. Notably, a leading Kannada cinema superstar has given the green light to play the film’s central role.

The film’s poster was unveiled at Lalith Ashok Hotel by Sri Jnanaprakasha Swamiji. Interestingly, this subject has already garnered attention in Hindi cinema, with famous actor Arjun Rampal exploring it.

The primary focus of the film revolves around the hardships faced by the marginalized sections of society, particularly during Bajirai 2’s rule. Distinguished figures like Nehru Olekar and Chakravarthy Chandrachud expressed their thoughts on this occasion.

Chandrachud’s inspiration played a crucial role in motivating me to embark on this project. I am also considering reaching out to Deepika Padukone for a role in this film, which aims to shed light on the struggles of the 54 crore downtrodden individuals in our society, according to Nagashekhar. Additionally, he has plans for a sequel to this film and anticipates a year of pre-production work ahead.


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