Every time Dhuniya Vijay, now known simply as Vijay Kumar, comes on screen, he generates high hopes and fills the audience with curiosity, excitement, and thrill. His latest film, “Bheema,” is his second directorial venture after the successful “Salaga.”

One notable aspect of Vijay Kumar’s work is his emphasis on showcasing the talent and unsung heroes of Karnataka. In “Bheema,” he highlights the Jenu Kuruba tribes from the Nagarahole region, inviting over a dozen tribe members to MMB Legacy to showcase their skills.

The Jenu Kurubas sang three songs in their native language and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity. Additionally, Vijay Kumar invited state award-winning singer Naveen Sajju and prominent writer Arasu Anthare to collaborate on a touching mother-themed song.

The standout figure during the “Bheema” promotion was undoubtedly the film’s musical director, Charan Raj. He composed six diverse songs for the film and praised the enriching experience of working with Vijay Kumar. Charan Raj noted that “Bheema” addresses a socially relevant topic, offering more than just action and songs. Savithakka, another singer, performed a song dedicated to Thayi Chamundi in the film.

Cinematographer Shivu and others, including Upparalli Manju Masthi, shared their experiences during the occasion.

Producer Krishna Sarthak commended Vijay Kumar’s intelligence, highlighting their two-year collaboration and expressing amazement at Vijay’s knowledge during discussions with the censor board. “Bheema” has received an ‘A’ certificate. The educated censor board members were convinced by Vijay Kumar’s responses to their queries.

Jagadeesh Kumar, a distributor and exhibitor, and joint producer of “Bheema,” mentioned that nearly 20 theaters that had closed due to a lack of films are reopening with this film. He appealed to actors to release one or two films a year to support exhibitors. “Bheema” will be released on August 9 in 400 screens across the state, outside Karnataka, and abroad, with high demand for Vijay Kumar’s films in Andhra Pradesh.

Addressing the media, Vijay Kumar stated that “Bheema” addresses a crucial topic relevant to the 18-year-old population. He urged the media to provide good support and the government to take necessary action on the issues raised in the film. He also shared the challenges of working with over 60 new actors for 125 days of shooting, often in dangerous slum areas.

Vijay Kumar plans to hold discussions on the film’s topic after its release to shed more light on the issues it addresses.


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