Actress Bhavana Ramanna, celebrated for capturing the hearts of Kannadigas in various films, including “Chandramukhi Pranasakhi,” is not only a talented actress but also an exceptional dancer. The renowned Kannada novel ‘Hamsageethe’ by T.R. Su was adapted into a movie by G.V. Iyer, and now, Bhavana introduces a dance interpretation of ‘Hamsageethe.’

During the press conference, Bhavana Ramanna, accompanied by Brother Arvind Ramanna, sister Shalini Ramanna, and writer Vikram Hatwar, shared details about the upcoming event.

Expressing her emotions, Bhavna reminisced about her entry into the film industry, acknowledging those who played a crucial role in her journey. She highlighted her previous production, “Niruttara,” under the “Home Town” banner and discussed the numerous initiatives conducted by the “Huvu Foundation.” Hamsageethe, a dance poetry event, is scheduled for January 30 at 6.30 pm at Chowdaiah Memorial Hall, featuring choreography by Veena Murthy.

Bhavana’s one-and-a-half-hour solo performance will incorporate elements of song, dance, and dialogue within the dance poetry. Noteworthy attendees include Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, Ministers Dr. G. Parameshwar, and HC Mahadevappa.

The event will also witness the presence of esteemed gurus like Dr. Baraguru Ramachandrappa, challenging star Darshan, and Tara Anuradha from the film industry. Bhavana Ramanna expressed her aspiration to take this unique dance poetry performance to various locations, marking it as the initial step in the endeavor.


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