One of Sandalwood’s most celebrated on-screen pairs, Rachita Ram and Satish Ninasam, is set to entertain audiences once again. Yes, the duo has reunited for the sequel to the blockbuster Ayogya. After six years, they are back together to mesmerize fans, as the much-anticipated Ayogya-2 officially began production with a grand muhurat ceremony today at the Dodda Ganapathi Temple in Basavanagudi. Directed by Mahesh Kumar, the film is being produced under the SVC Productions banner by Munegowda.

Adding to the excitement, Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, wife of the late Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar, clapped the first shot, blessing the team. The muhurat was attended by several stars, including Nenapirali Prem, actor Shreyas Manju, Pramod, and others, who wished the team success.

During the press meet following the ceremony, director Mahesh Kumar shared his vision: “Ayogya-2 will be released not just in Kannada but also in Tamil and Telugu. Watching Rachita and Satish together on screen is pure joy. This is not a pan-India film but a fan-India film. The first part was dubbed into other languages post its success, but now we’re making it directly in multiple languages,” he said.

Actor Satish Ninasam added, “There was a long list of producers interested in Ayogya-2, but Munegowda ultimately came on board. He’s a dedicated producer, and this film will be a significant milestone for Kannada cinema.”

Rachita Ram expressed her excitement, saying, “Six years ago, the muhurat for Ayogya took place at this very spot. I’m thrilled to be part of the sequel, especially with Ashwini ma’am’s blessings. The first installment was a massive success, and when the idea for a sequel came up, the first thing that struck my mind was the iconic Enammi Enammi song, which has no replacement. Satish and I are like Tom and Jerry, always bickering but in sync. I’m also humbled by the title of ‘Lady Superstar’ bestowed upon me, but I will always remain my fans’ beloved Bul Bul.”

Producer Munegowda added, “When Mahesh approached me with the idea for Ayogya-2, I instantly agreed. The first part was a blockbuster, and Rachita Ma’am insisted on this sequel. With such talented artists, this film will be a significant contribution to Kannada cinema.”

The love story of Siddhegowda and Nandini in Ayogya captured the hearts of Kannada cinema lovers six years ago. Now, the same team is back, heightening anticipation for the sequel.

What’s remarkable is that most of the original cast and crew, including senior actor Sundar Raj, Tabla Nani, and Shivraj KR Pete, are returning for Ayogya-2. Joining the team this time is Manju Pavagada. Dialogues by Maasti, cinematography by Vishwajith Rao, and music by Arjun Janya are set to make the sequel a memorable cinematic experience.

The music of Ayogya was a trendsetter in Kannada cinema, and expectations are even higher for Ayogya-2. Filming is set to begin in Mandya, and the movie is scheduled for release next year.


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